Two rooms balancing on either end of a row of doorways.

Inside the rooms the walls are encased in a golden wire web. In each room is a table mounded with 5000 photographs split between them. The photographs are of every single thing I love.

The viewers are invited to dig through the pictures and to take home any pictures they like.

In one room is a recording of a family dinner party, in the other is a piano composition written for the piece by my friend Bill Herzog. The sound in each room peaks at different times, drawing the viewer from one room to the other.

The overall effect is of a pair of warm enveloping nests that are filled with love, but start to become claustrophobic after too long a stay. The inspiration behind this piece is how when you leave a place of love, like we all must, you take pieces of it with you on your journey and how it calls to you and when you return it is always different.

Part of my 2009 MFA thesis show Place/Placeness.