The Girl on the Greyhound, an 18-day journey taken in late September 2017.

Much of my artwork explores layers of memories combined with a current knowledge of place. But with the The Girl on the Greyhound I challenged myself to go deeper, turning my lenses and inks on places where I have the memories, but no longer really know the places. I explored the unfamiliar/familiar, following the route of my childhood. Every summer my sister and I crisscrossed Eastern Washington, Idaho, and Western Montana on the Greyhound, sent from relative to relative. For The Girl on the Greyhound I started on the Greyhound for 2 days and then continued on alone by car.

The photographs, text, drawings, and video I generated while traveling have given me a platform from which I am exploring and challenging in myself what I believe is at our core as an individual: memory. I am learning what a liar memory can be, but also how it can lift you up. I am connecting across time with my people who are gone with an adult to adult understanding, rather than my former child to adult. It is deepening my connection to my past while strangely clearing away melancholy. The concepts of memory versus reality, and the past relating to the present will always be open-ended, there are no real answers, just better understanding.